Materiality assessment
The matrix below presents the results of our first Syngenta Group materiality assessment. Conducted between Q4 2022 and Q1 2023, the assessment aimed to identify Syngenta Group’s key impact areas and inform its sustainability priorities and external reporting. We followed a double materiality approach considering both the impact Syngenta Group has on people and the environment, and the impact that sustainability issues have on Syngenta Group’s business performance and success.
Following a comprehensive review of internal and external sources, 20 topics with potential relevance to Syngenta Group were identified. The topics were weighted and prioritized across a set of criteria based on the desk research and input from internal subject matter experts and senior leaders collected through an online survey and interviews.
The materiality matrix below presents the results of our assessment. Topics have been prioritized into three tiers. Tier 1 topics classified as high impact represent Syngenta Group’s material topics, for which we actively measure and evaluate performance. Tier 2 (medium impact) and Tier 3 topics are those that we monitor to maintain the trust and confidence of our stakeholders and be a responsible business. Topics reflected in Syngenta Group’s sustainability priorities are represented with their corresponding priority color.