Priority 4 


Reduce the environmental impact of our operations and supply chain, strengthen our diverse and inclusive culture and ensure the health and safety of our people

As a global leader in agriculture technology and innovation, Syngenta Group is striving to reduce its impact on the environment.

Syngenta Monthey Switzerland

We aim to reduce our Scope 1 (own operations) and Scope 2 (energy purchases) by 38% by 2030 versus a 2022 baseline.

Syngenta Group is exploring options for renewable electricity sourcing, energy conservation and decarbonization, and reducing energy consumption, water and waste intensity across our production sites.

Our supply chain accounts for much of Syngenta Group’s carbon footprint, so we are working with suppliers to make our manufacturing processes more efficient and identify opportunities for decarbonization.

Maintaining our high health and safety standards is a top priority across the our global manufacturing sites and it is essential that every employee understands their individual responsibilities and maintains awareness around safety.

In addition, Syngenta Group aims to build a more inclusive business culture by ensuring equity of treatment, targeting equal pay for equal work. 

We aim to accelerate implementation of consistent equal pay practices to keep narrowing the pay gap on a yearly basis, until pay parity is achieved.

Our sustainability priorities


 corn lilly leaf.

With the global population on track to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, farmers need to grow more food while reducing their impact on the environment and safeguarding natural resources.

Yangling Breeding Technology Center.
Woman picking rice plants in rice paddy field